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當前位置:趣味遊戲館 > 遊戲心得體會 > 


欄目: 遊戲心得體會 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.23W


伊多:破碎世界的主人 勛章拿法(小編漢化)







(1)RangedKills,RangedDamage: 含魔法攻擊(Magic Shot)

(2)Attack,CounterAttack,RangedAttack,Ammos,MapMorale: 開戰前的數值,不含來自英雄和士氣的加成



以HERO'S CROSS為例,須先滿足

MeleeKills + RangedKills > 4

DamageReceived >= MaxLife * 2 / 3


如果Random(11+4)>=13就是(11+4-13)/(11+4)=13% ("="部分估計得無視)

Random(NumXXXX + 1) == 0:已有一個相同勛章難度提高2倍(估計是概率再除2),已有兩個相同勛章難度提高3倍(估計是概率再除3)


(5)"Simplified description:"部分為俄文機翻

HERO'S CROSS:  英雄十字勛章

Attack+2,Counterattack+2,Armor+1,Resistance+ Unkeep+10. 攻擊+2 反擊+2 裝甲+1 抵抗+1黃金獲得+10

MeleeKills + RangedKills > 4 近戰殺敵+遠程射殺>4

DamageReceived >= MaxLife * 2 / 3 遭受的傷害>=最大生命值的2/3

Random(11 + MeleeKills + RangedKills) >= 13 隨機(11+近戰殺敵+遠程射殺)>=13

Simplified description:(簡單説明)

Unit can get a medal if he kills at least 5 enemies in battle and take damage no less than 2/3 of the maximum number of lives.  Chance obtain, depending on the number of deaths:如果單位在戰鬥中至少擊殺了五人就有可能獲得這個勛章,並且要受到大於或等於自己生命值三分之二的傷害,獲得的機會大小取決於殺人數量。

Kills Ver%

5    19

6    24

7    28

8    32

9    35

10  38

16  52

20  58


Ranged Attack+1,Energy Control+ Unkeep+5,Gem Unkeep+1.遠程攻擊+1 能力控制+1 黃金獲得+5 鑽石獲得+5

MagicShotAbility > 0 魔法射擊能力>0

RangedDamage >= 3 * RangedAttack 造成的遠程傷害>=3倍遠程攻擊

RangedKills > 1 遠距離擊殺>1

Random(21 + RangedDamage + 5 * RangedKills - 3 * RangedAttack * Ammos) >= 30 隨機(21+遠程傷害+5*遠程擊殺-3*遠程攻擊*裝甲)

Random(NumMageMedals + 1) == 0隨機(數字法師獎牌+1)=0【沒玩過遊戲這個NumMageMedals到底是啥··】

Simplified description:(簡單説明就不翻譯了··和上面的計算公式差不多一個意思就是修飾了一下)

The medal may receive unit-magician, who killed at least one enemy and inflicted the damage to 3 times its range attack.

The more damage done and the number of enemies killed, the higher the probability of getting a medal.

Also, the probability depends on the amount already received by this business unit of medals "Star Magician": for 1 coin the probability of getting a medal less than a factor of 2, with 2 medals - 3 times.


Accuracy+1,Ranged Attack+ Unkeep+8.精確度+1 遠程攻擊+1 黃金獲得+8

Ammos > 2 彈藥數>2

MagicShotAbility == 0 魔法射擊能力=0

RangedDamage >= 3 * RangedAttack 造成的遠程傷害>=3倍遠程攻擊力

RangedKills > 1 遠程擊殺>1

Random(21 + RangedDamage + 5 * RangedKills - 3 * RangedAttack * Ammos) >= 30 隨機(21+遠程傷害+5*遠程擊殺-3*遠程攻擊*裝甲)

Random(NumSniperMedals + 1) == 0隨機(數字射手獎牌+1)=0

Simplified description:

The medal may receive unit-arrows (not a magician, not a barbarian / spear), who killed at least one enemy and inflicted the damage to 3 times its range attack. The more damage done and the number of enemies killed, the higher the probability of getting a medal. Also, the probability depends on the amount already received by this business unit medal "Order of the Sniper": for 1 coin the probability of getting a medal less than a factor of 2, with 2 medals - 3 times.


Healing+2,Ammo+ Unkeep+3,Gem Unkeep+1.治療量+2 裝甲+1 黃金獲得+3 鑽石獲得+1

HealingAbility > 0 治療能力>0

HealedLife >= 3 * HealingAbility 已治療量>=3倍治療能力(也就是説你biu一下能加10滴血·這一場戰鬥你至少要給別人加30滴血)

Random(21 + HealedLife - HealingAbility * 3) >= 20 隨機(21+已治療量-3倍治療能力)>=20

Random(NumHealingMedals + 1) == 0 隨機(數字射治療獎牌+1)=0

Simplified description:

The medal is available to any physician, heal number of health at 3 times the value of its healing abilities. The more health healed - the higher the probability of getting a medal. Also, the probability depends on the amount already received by this business unit of medals "Medal Healer": for 1 coin the probability of getting a medal less than a factor of 2, with 2 medals - 3 times.


Attack+2,Counterattack+ Unkeep+5.攻擊+2 反擊+2 黃金獲得+5

MeleeDamage > 3 * (Attack + CounterAttack) 近戰傷害>3倍(攻擊+反擊)

Random(21 + MeleeDamage - 3 * (Attack + CounterAttack)) >= 20 隨機(21+近戰傷害-3(攻擊+反擊))>=20

Simplified description:

The medal is available to any unit that inflicted the damage total of 3 times the amount of his attacks and counterattacks. The greater the damage inflicted - the greater the probability of getting a medal


Hit Points+4,Defense+1,Counterattack+ Upkeep+4.生命點+4 防禦+1 反擊+1 黃金獲得+4

TotalDamageReceived >= MaxLife 總生命恢復量>=最大生命值

MeleeKills + RangedKills > 0 近戰擊殺+遠程擊殺>0

Random(21 + TotalDamageReceived - MaxLife) >= 20 隨機(21+總生命恢復量-最大生命值)>=20

Simplified description:

The medal is available to any unit, won the battle damage exceeding its maximum HP. The more damage that you receive - the more the likelihood of the coin.


Hit Points+5,Morale+3,Attack+2,Counterattack+ Unkeep+10.生命點+5 士氣+3 攻擊+2 反擊+1 黃金獲得+10

floor(TotalAllies / AliveAllies) > 5 擊到(總友軍數/存活友軍數)>5(不知道是不是這麼個意思···)

MeleeKills + RangedKills > 0 近戰擊殺+遠程擊殺>0

Random(21 + TotalAllies + MeleeKills + RangedKills) >= 20 隨機(21+總友軍數+近戰擊殺+遠程擊殺)>=20

Simplified description:

The medal can get a unit, a survivor in the battle, killing at least 80% of his army (for example, in the army of 5 units + hero survived only 1 unit + character). The more enemies killed the unit and the larger units was in the army before the battle - the higher the probability of getting a medal.


Resistance+2,Morale+ Unkeep+3.抵抗+2 士氣+2 黃金獲得+3

SpellDamageReceived > CurrentLife/2 受到的法術傷害>現存生命值/2

MeleeKills + RangedKills > 0 近戰擊殺+遠程擊殺>0

Random(21 + SpellDamageReceived - CurrentLife/2) >= 20 隨機(21+受到的法術傷害>現存生命值/2)>=20

Simplified description:

The medal is available to any unit that has received a lot of damage from spells in battle and killed at least one enemy. The more damage that you receive and the less is left of life of the unit - the greater the probability of getting a medal. Bug?? Perhaps in the implementation of this and the next two medals is a bug - instead of max. The Meaning of Life is the current value of Life. The condition of receipt would look logical if a certain type of damage was beaten out half of life.


Defense+2,Counterattack+ Unkeep+4. 防禦+2 反擊+1 黃金獲得+4

MeleeDamageReceived > CurrentLife/2 受到的近戰傷害>現在生命值/2

MeleeKills > 0 近戰擊殺>0

Random(21 + MeleeDamageReceived - CurrentLife/2) >= 20 隨機(21+受到的近戰傷害>現存生命值/2)>=20

Simplified description:

The medal is available to any unit that has received a lot of melee damage and killed in the melee at least one enemy. The more damage that you receive and the less is left of life of the unit - the greater the probability of getting a medal.


Ranged Defense+2,Stamina+ Unkeep+3.遠程攻擊防禦+2 耐力+2 黃金獲得+3

RangedDamageReceived > CurrentLife/2 受到的遠程傷害>現在生命值/2

MeleeKills + RangedKills > 0 近戰擊殺+遠程擊殺>0

Random(21 + RangedDamageReceived - CurrentLife/2) >= 20 隨機(21+受到的遠程傷害>現存生命值/2)>=20

Simplified description:

The medal is available to any unit that has received a lot of damage from ranged attacks and killed at least one enemy. The more damage that you receive and the less is left of life of the unit - the greater the probability of getting a medal.


Morale+4,Attack+ Upkeep+3.士氣+4 攻擊+1 黃金獲得+3

CurrentMorale - MaxMorale - MapMorale/2 > 5 現存士氣-最大士氣-地圖士氣/2>5

MeleeKills + RangedKills > 0 近戰擊殺+範圍擊殺=0

Random(21 + CurrentMorale - MaxMorale) >= 30 隨機(21+現存士氣-最大士氣)>=30

Simplified description:

The medal is available to any unit that has collected morale in battle by 5 or more above the maximum value and killed at least one enemy.

The more scored above the high morale - the greater the likelihood of the coin.  


Stamina+3,Counterattack+ Unkeep+3.耐力+3 反擊+1 黃金獲得+3

UsedStamina >= MaxStamina 已使用的耐力>=最大耐力

Random(21 + UsedStamina - MaxStamina) >= 20 隨機(21+已使用的耐力-最大耐力)>=20

Simplified description:

The medal is available to any unit and spent a total of more endurance than he was before the battle. The more endurance spent - the more the likelihood of the coin.


Ammo+2,Stamina+ Unkeep+4,Gem Unkeep+1.彈藥+2 耐力+2 黃金獲得+4 鑽石獲得+1

SpellsStamina >= 3

RangedKills > 0

Random(10 + SpellsStamina + RangedKills) >= 10

Random(NumBattlemageBadges + 1) == 0

Simplified description:

The medal can get a unit, having spent a spell book to use at least 3 stamina and killed at least one enemy in long-range combat. The more spent stamina and make a killing, the higher the chance. Also, the probability depends on the amount already received by this business unit of medals "Sign Wizard": for 1 coin the probability of getting a medal less than a factor of 2, with 2 medals - 3 times.


Ammo+1,Resistance+1,and +3 to the Fire Arrow Unkeep+7,Gem Unkeep+1.彈藥+1 抵抗+1 火焰箭技能+3 黃金獲得+7 鑽石獲得+1

Ammo > 2 彈藥>@

RangedAttack > 0 遠程攻擊>0

RangedDamage >= RangedAttack * 3 造成的遠程傷害>=3倍遠程攻擊力

MagicShot == 0 魔法設計=0

RangedKills > 1 遠程擊殺>1

DamageReceived >= MaxLife * 2 / 3 受到的遠程傷害>最大生命值得3分之2

Random(21 + RangedDamage + 5 * RangedKills - 3 * RangedAttack * Ammo) >= 30 隨機(21+遠程傷害+5倍遠程擊殺-3*範圍攻擊力*彈藥)>=30

Random(NumFirePennants + 1) == 0 隨機(數字火之戰旗+1)=0(還是不知道啥玩意····)

Simplified description:

The medal is available to any infantry unit with a non-magical attacks, and at least three shells, not including the bonus from the skill of the hero, who inflicted the damage no less than three times the value of the shooting attack without bonuses character and morality, has committed at least two murders and get hit by at least 2 / 3 health

Also, the probability depends on the amount already received by this business unit of medals "pennant Fire": with one coin the probability of getting a medal less than a factor of 2, with 2 medals - 3 times.