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四系全技能詳細效果一覽 巫師3有哪些技能|鍊金術:塗油調配 巫師3狂獵

欄目: 單機圖文攻略 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.34W

 塗油調配 Oil Preparation



鍊金術:塗油調配 巫師3狂獵 四系全技能詳細效果一覽 巫師3有哪些技能

Oil Preparation Enables the creation of Oils that can be applied to swords.
劇毒劍刃 塗在劍刃上的油每次攻擊都10%的概率能使目標中毒。概率會隨着塗油等級增加。


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等級 0/5 初始解鎖

Poisoned Blades

Oil applied to the blades gives a 10% chance of poisoning the target on each hit. The chance is greater the higher the level of Oil used. Potion duration time: +5%
恐懼攻擊 針對塗油鎖定的怪物種類能增加5%的保護。


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等級 0/5 解鎖所需點數 8
Protective Coating Adds +5% protection against attacks from the monster type the Oil targets. Potion duration time: +5%
固定配方 劍油的使用次數增加33%。


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等級 0/3 解鎖所需點數 20
Fixative Blade Oils now have 33% more charges Potion duration time: +5%




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等級 0/5 解鎖所需點數 28
Hunter Instinct When Adrenaline Points are at their maximum, critical hit damage against the targeted enemy type is increased by 20%. Potion duration time: +5%