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韋魯斯 lol英雄臺詞大全 lol所有英雄的臺詞

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韋魯斯 lol英雄臺詞大全 lol所有英雄的臺詞


know this,dogs of whistle you hear,is not the wind.


"The life of an arrow is fleeting, built of nothing but direction and intent."


罪惡將知道什麼是痛苦。 "The guilty will know agony."


絕不寬恕 "No forgiveness."

他們將知道什麼是後悔 "They will know regret."

絕不回頭 "No turning back."

面對湮滅 "Face oblivion."

我的箭總能找到他們的靶心 "My arrows always find their marks."

把他們帶到生命的盡頭 "Deliver them to their end."

可憐那些被我射穿的人 "Pity those who cross me."


當心那些一無所有的人 "Beware a man with nothing to lose."

我必須做我要做的 "I do what I must."

我的目的很明確 "My purpose is clear."

我的工作尚未完成 "My work is not done."

我只是在苟延殘喘 "I'm on borrowed time."

給我一個目標 "Give me a target."

我是被遺忘者 "I am forsaken."

付出流血的代價 "Bloodshed carries a price."

只有懦夫才會逃避他們的宿命 "Only cowards flee their fate."

這裡只有懲戒 "There is no salvation."


你想要一些真正的樂趣?靠近一點 "You'd like some real amusement? Come closer."

你想嘗試與死神共舞嗎? "When you dance with death, lead."


痛苦是我給你的禮物。 "Pain is my gift to you."

你這條命只要一支箭就能帶走 "The cost of your life is one arrow."