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[Although chaos is raging in the village behind Kratos, he looks upon a temple in front of him with great determination]儘管整座村莊已經在奎爺身後亂作一團,他還是看到一座神廟就在他的面前,帶著堅定的意志。

祭祀的警告 戰神全系列劇情圖解

祭祀的警告 戰神全系列劇情圖解 第2張

He feared nothing, but there was something about -this- temple,

something... forbbiden.

祭祀的警告 戰神全系列劇情圖解 第3張

[The village oracle walks toward Kratos]村中的祭司走向奎爺

祭祀的警告 戰神全系列劇情圖解 第4張

祭祀的警告 戰神全系列劇情圖解 第5張

All his instincts told him that he should never cross its threshold,

never step inside.這段旁白毫不留情地打了小說的臉,明確指出奎爺是有良知的,不是什麼對無辜被害者毫無愧疚的瘋子。

[The village oracle delivers a warning to Kratos]

祭祀的警告 戰神全系列劇情圖解 第6張

祭祀的警告 戰神全系列劇情圖解 第7張

Villiage Oracle: Be ware Kratos, the dangers in the temple are greater than

you know.


祭祀的警告 戰神全系列劇情圖解 第8張

祭祀的警告 戰神全系列劇情圖解 第9張

[Kratos, confident that no danger was too great for him, pushes the village

oracle out of his way and walks towards the temples doors]
