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中級41-50 天學網中級模擬試題答案大全 天學網聽力中級模擬試題答案彙總

欄目: 手遊軟件教程 / 發佈於: / 人氣:9.84K


1. Something was blown into his eyes

2. At 5:00 p.m.

3. The sound of the ocean

4. In a TV store

5. Brother and sister

6. Hr is funny

7. Biology

8. Going online

9. In his office

10. To get a library card

11. A book

12. In two weeks

13. It is near her office

14. He is renting one room of the apartment

15. Smoking

16. Every month

17. A famous inventor

18. A cloth factory

19. A cat

20. By reflecting light

中級41-50 天學網中級模擬試題答案大全 天學網聽力中級模擬試題答案彙總


1. A shirt

2. By dropping something on it

3. Pour hot water

4. What time they should leave for the airport

5. Help an old man

6. 8:00 a.m.

7. He has an appointment

8. On a beach

9. It's risky

10. With sugar

11. Four

12. Honey

13. Husband and wife

14. Winter

15. Fruit

16. Go to the store with him

17. A job

18. Rent and electricity

19. 55

20. Order people

1. Dog shampoo

2. By 3:00 p.m.

3. A gas station employee

4. The man's weight

5. A problem with his computer program

6. Mother and son

7. At a restaurant

8. It is making noises

9. The laptop might get some water in it

10. Two days

11. She is a university student

12. They are not bad

13. At a bus station

14. Watch a soccer game

15. He usually travels by car

16. In 45 minutes

17. On June 15th

18. Call the front office

19. It's summer

20. At 10:00 p.m.


1. Plane

2. The origins of Halloween

3. Park a car

4. Mother and son

5. Sleep foe a while

6. It was to big to be delivered

7. Pick up the package herself

8. Silk

9. It is not suitable for the season

10. $50

11. At home

12. He is tired

13. An interview

14. The food

15. He was sick

16. On Thursday

17. It is certainly the most photographed bridge in the world

18. An architect

19. On the eastern side of the bridge

20. A visitor center and gift shop


1. Learn how to dance

2. The middle

3. At the door

4. Enthusiastic

5. He can't stand fake flowers in his house

6. Go to the beach

7. Chinese food

8. In a gym

9. They have the same friend

10. In a restaurant

11. She performed badly at work

12. Embarrassing moments at work

13. Repairman and customer

14. There is a new problem in her house

15. David

16. Keep her dogs out of the way

17. Over 70%

18. During vacations and travels

19. museums and cultural sites

20. They are extremely important


1. Under the cupboard

2. Stay at home

3. To a bank

4. Two hours

5. A couple

6. Electrical equipment

7. A firefighter

8. He is asleep

9. Friday

10. Rose salt

11. Try chocolate ice cream with rose salt

12. In the man's kitchen

13. A talent show

14. He was blind

15. He got into the finals

16. It was terrible

17. Two men founded it in 2001

18. Over 83 million

19. Administrators

20. By donations


1. Mosquitos

2. It has been kept by one teacher

3. Take the furniture apart

4. Pillows

5. A light

6. Sign up for some lessons

7. At the Russian Culture Center

8. In the cupboard

9. The kitchen

10. Brother and sister

11. An end-of-the-season gathering

12. Six

13. The “Canadian” one

14. The employees' beard

15. Money

16. In a full year

17. He is satisfied with them

18. Chicago

19. Various fruits

20. A park


1. Grace

2. Practicing a certain song

3. Strangers

4. At a museum

5. Introduce her to someone

6. The man's uncle

7. In a city

8. He gave up smoking cigarettes

9. David

10. He thinks he didn't play well

11. The field official

12. Learn something from this game

13. Interviewing a department leader

14. Good advice from her parents

15. Biology

16. Her father

17. Bread

18. Radiation

19. Endless energy

20. Proud


1. Clean up after dinner

2. In 60 minutes

3. Do some exercise

4. Join the school band

5. They were made that way

6. Boss and employee

7. The kid's parents

8. In late October

9. Take her to the museum

10. Fourth

11. Attend a party

12. Give a speech to her student

13. At a concert hall

14. Frustrated

15. A journalist

16. Look for another seat

17. It's dangerous right now

18. 1.5 miles

19. 40 miles southeast Mexico City

20. It was in darkness for a few days

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