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服裝MOD 星球大戰黑武士服裝MOD|輻射4 人物MOD

欄目: 單機遊戲攻略 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.07W

輻射4 人物MOD 服裝MOD 星球大戰黑武士服裝MOD


輻射4 人物MOD 服裝MOD 星球大戰黑武士服裝MOD


This mod brings the famous Darth Vader armor ported from Skyrim (in steam workshop link). In addition, the cape and skirt are built with hovok cloth featuresm. Last, there is a customized 1hm equip/idle animation replacement for the Lord Vader in my pose mod "pose anyway" 1hm_vader



1) in console, type "help darth 4", and you will get the item codes.

(cursed helmet do play Vader's breath sound every time you equip and stop sprint )

PS: if no item code returned, please check if your NMM do load the esp right. (check install section)

2) in console, type "tem [item code in (1), do not include brackets]"

Alt) get via item codes, but you need to replace xx to your mod load order in hex code

"tem xx077802" coursed helmet

"tem xx077803" helmet

"tem xx077804" armor without cape

"tem xx077805" cape


如何獲取:1)控制枱輸入“help darth 4”(引號不包括)然後你就得到了物品代碼

2)控制枱裏輸入tem [剛剛得到的物品代碼] 即可。(不包括方頭括號)

or 你直接輸入以下代碼:(xx是此mod在你的nmm中的排序號)

tem xx077802 得到追逐頭盔

tem xx077803 得到頭盔

tem xx077804 得到沒斗篷的鎧甲

tem xx077805 得到鎧甲

輻射4 人物MOD 服裝MOD 星球大戰黑武士服裝MOD 第2張



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