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Chapter 5: Inner Recesses 惡靈附身 所有收集品視頻攻略 全收集品清單一覽

欄目: 單機圖文攻略 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.4W

Chapter 5: Inner Recesses

Chapter 5: Inner Recesses 惡靈附身 所有收集品視頻攻略 全收集品清單一覽

Map Fragment #8 - right at the beginning, turn around.

Personal Docs #4 - March 2005 - Go through the door at the beginning.

Newspapers #5 - Investigation Stalls - on counter, save room

Documents #5 - Underground facility note - in one of the 3 rooms.

Audio Tapes #2 - Assimilated Consciousness - in one of the 3 rooms on a desk.

Map Fragment #9 - Before save room.

Newspapers #6 - Patients Claim Abuse - in save room.

Map Fragment #6 - go inside Seb's room during B/W scene

Map Fragment #7 - go inside door that opens slightly. on top of sink

Map Fragment #10 - found in corner of same room as above

Personal Docs #5 - After getting seperated with your two buddies, go into the door, and find the badge on the bed.

Newspapers #7 - Parishioner found - in save room

Missing Person Posters #4 - Fernando - in save room

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