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《收穫日2》【大師之作(Masterpiece)】成就解鎖條件是什麼呢,許多玩家還不太清楚,下面小編就為大家帶來一篇“Es Mi Turno”分享的大師之作成就解鎖攻略,希望對各位有所幫助。

收穫日2大師之作成就怎麼完成 payday2大師之作成就解鎖攻略




備註:0頭/1頭+2頭/3頭及以上的難度巡邏保安的數量分別為4/5/6 個,大廳前台1個站樁的保安,如果玩家在沒進入畫廊前試圖從廁所撬門進入,則有15%的概率額外刷新出一個保安,所以先從大廳開門進去一下觸發進入畫廊的任務目標後再從廁所撬門就不會刷新出新保安。回答4個對講機之後會出現1名增援保安, 1 stationary lobby guard, 1 stationary guard in security room. 15% chance for a guard to spawn at the bathroom door when a player gets close to the door. +1 spawn who will patrol to the main entrance, then patrol to 3 random waypoints which can be located at the building entrance and on the roof, then move in front of the main entrance before leaving forever (as far as I can tell, due to the randomness it is possible that he just picks 3 waypoints around the entrance and never goes on the roof).